Stagelight Productions proudly presents
October 4-26, 2008 Kennedy Theatre at the Progress Energy Performing Arts Center Raleigh, North Carolina
Directed by Jonathan Rosen Choreography and Physical Comedy Staging by Dudley Brooks Music Directed by Coty Cockrell
Information: Tickets: Venue: Contact:
You may (we hope) find this show offensive if you are a thin-skinned Boy Scout, bird lover, Southerner, inhabitant of a small town, Harvard graduate, folk singer, senior citizen, German
rocket scientist, Marine, capitalist, hunter, Riverdance fan, math professor, movie star, politician (or movie star politician), anti-drug crusader, white person, black person, rich person, poor person, New Yorker,
Puerto Rican, Catholic, Protestant, Hindu, Muslim, or Jew ... or if you love your mother. Or if you merely have good taste. In the words of the opening song, “Be Prepared” laugh!
This hilarious revue is based on satirical songs written by Harvard math professor Tom Lehrer in the 1950s and '60s.
Off-beat songs like Send The Marines, The Masochism Tango, and The Vatican Rag remain hysterically funny almost fifty years after being foisted on the world.